Hey guys,
When done correctly, weight training can help you lose fat, increase your strength and muscle tone, and improve your bone density.
If done incorrectly, however, weight training won’t give you these benefits — and may even lead to injury.
That’s why you should choose your weights carefully and increase them only after you are absolutely familiar with the proper form of the exercises.
Strong Body series are using dumbbells only.
In this case you are going to need one lighter pair of dumbbells and one heavier dumbbell.
You don’t need to use the same weights as I do.
The weights change the game, so choose them wisely!
Before you start with the workout, make sure you are familiar with the exercises, so check the workout breakdown:
Needed equipment:
- A Pair of Lighter Dumbbells- I am using 7kg (15lbs) DBs;
- A Heavier Dumbbell- I am using 12kg (26lbs) DB;
1. Jump Lunge x2 to Jump Squat x10;
2. DB Snatch x20alt (use the heavier dumbbell);
3. Sit-Up to Hip-Up x20;
4. DB Renegade Row x20alt;
5. Front Step x20alt;
6. DB Staggered Stance Deadlift x15 each side;
7. Push-Up to Cross Body Knee to Elbow x2 x10;
8. DB Clean & Jerk x10;
9. Eiffel Tower x20;
10.DB Curtsy Lunge x15 each side;
2 rounds
Never skip your warm up
Now move to your workout:
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