Hey guys,
This is another workout that targets mainly our core.
There are much more benefits of having a strong core than just looking good.
Core strength is responsible for many of the bandings, twisting, and lifting movements you take for granted every day. That’s why improving it will make your every day tasks easier, will improve your sport performance, will significantly decrease the back pain or even eliminate it altogether. It will also increase your balance and overall stability and will decrease the risk of injuries. Core strength will also improve your posture and makes you look and feel better.
As for your overall training, the secret here is the consistency 😉
Now, check the workout breakdown, get familiar with the workout structure, exercises, proper form and easier modifications:
Needed equipment:
- A Heavy Dumbbell- I am using 5kg (11lbs) DB;
- A Swiss Ball (optional);
Buy in:
Candle to Plank Knee to Nose Pump x3 each leg x10;
1. Weighted Single Arm Overhead Sit-Up x10 (L);
2. Knee Hugs x20;
3. Weighted Single Arm Overhead Sit-Up x10 (R);
4. Knee Hugs x20;
1. Weighted Cross Body V-Up x10 (L);
2. Plank Transformers x10;
3. Weighted Cross Body V-Up x10 (R);
4. Plank Transformers x10;
1. Weighted Single Arm Chest Press with Flutter Kicks x10 (L);
2. Swiss Ball Knees to Chest x10;
3. Weighted Single Arm Chest Press with Flutter Kicks x10 (R);
4. Swiss Ball Knees to Chest x10;
2 rounds for time
Buy out:
Elbow Plank Hold
Remember, never skip your warm up
Now move to your workout:
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